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Renewable Compressed Natural Gas

Natural gas vehicles powered with Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) are amongst the cleanest vehicles on our roads. RNG is produced through anaerobic digestion of manure and food, municipal, and solid waste. It is sourced from dairy farms, waste treatment facilities, and landfills. Waste that would normally decompose and produce fugitive methane emissions that are 25 times more potent than CO2, is instead processed into a carbon-negative fuel and delivered to vehicles as Compressed Natural Gas.

In the heavy-duty segment, CNG is a sure-thing alternative to diesel. Retail CNG has, on average for the past decade, been more than a dollar less per gallon than retail diesel, and because all RNG is produced domestically, has less of the volatility that diesel does.

  • Beyond6 is an industry leader for CNG fueling for heavy duty vehicles, having developed over 60 CNG fueling stations across the United States supplied by renewable natural gas.

The Cummins-Westport CNG exhaust emissions are 90% lower than the current EPA NOx limit of 0.2 g/bhp-hr, reducing the respiratory harm caused by nitrogen oxides.
Carbon Intensity Rating of Key Transportation Fuels
source:ARB CA


Up to 400 Percent Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

When RNG is used to fuel vehicles, it can provide major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions—in addition to cleaner air benefits. According to the California Air Resources Board, RNG sourced from landfill-diverted food and green waste can provide a 125 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and RNG from dairy manure can result in a 400 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions when replacing traditional vehicle fuels.

Average Retail Fuel Prices
in the United States


CNG has remarkably stable prices.

California voluntary carbon market disclosures act (AB-1305)

To the extent that Beyond6 makes any claims regarding the greenhouse gas emissions reductions of its products, those claims are determined to be accurate based on the California Air Resources Board LCFS Pathway Certified Carbon Intensities, which provide carbon intensities for the use of alternative fuels for certified fuel pathways in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 17, § 95488.8 (d). The disclosure made in this section is provided for the entities that are subject to the law’s requirements and speaks only as of January 1, 2024.

By turning waste into fuel, renewable compressed natural gas vehicles are the cleanest vehicles on our roads

The majority of RNG is produced domestically and has less volatility when compared to diesel